Dr. (Prof.) Miliard Derbew

Professor of Pediatric surgery

Addis Ababa University , College of health Sciences , School of Medicine Department of surgery


Dr. (Prof.) Miliard Derbew Beyene FRCS, FACS, FCS ECSA, is a professor of pediatrics surgery at the College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University, and an adjunct professor in University of Toronto surgical department and Wilson center. He is active in Global Surgery and is a seasoned educator and leader in surgical education. In addition, currently he is President of t h e Association of Pediatrics Surgeons of Ethiopia. He has worked as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of large hospitals and recently, in that capacity, he was the CEO of King Faisal Hospital Kigali, Rwanda from August 2020 – August 2022. He is a seasoned, challenge-driven, and goal- oriented professional with 33 years of national, regional, and international experiences in medical and surgical education, health workforces’ capacity building, over 20 years and organizational leadership and team building experiences spanning a number of sub-Saharan African countries.


Moreover, he has been and still is the principal investigator of a number of National Institute of Health (NIH), grant projects. These are: the Health Education Partnership Initiative (HEPI) project, 2017-ongoing; the Medical Education Partnership Initiative Junior Faculty project for Ethiopia, ( MEPI-JF), 2018 – 2022; and the Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI) project, 2010– 2015 project, which was a consortium of four medical schools in Ethiopia and five universities in the United States, focused on building health institutional capacity.


Furthermore, he served as the President of the College of Surgeons of East Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA),2015 – 2017.In Ethiopia, he served as the President of the Surgical Society of Ethiopia, 2011 – 2015; the Vice President of Addis Ababa University College of Health Sciences, 2010 – 2011; a n d the Dean of the School of Medicine Addis Ababa University (AAU) and the head of its Pediatrics Surgery Department, 2007 – 2011. In his work at AAU, he played a vital leadership role in the institution’s expansion of Post- graduate and fellowship training programs during his leadership. He has published a number of papers related to his national, regional and international work, and currently, he is a member of the Global Governing Council of LifeBox international and Honorary Ambassador for Lifebox- Smile Train.


Research Interests

Global Health, Health Policy, Health Leadership, Pediatrics Surgery



# Publication Title Citation Year
1 Derbew, M. (2005). Neonatal Surgical Emergencies. Review article for Surgery in Africa Monthly Reading Course. Published on the Surgery in Africa Reading Course website. www.utoronto.ca/ois/SIA.htm 2005
2 Derbew, M., Ahmed, E. (2006). Five Years Pediatric Surgical Practice in Tikur Anbessa Hospital. Ethiopian Medical Journal, 44(4). 2006
3 Derbew, M., Beveridge, M., Howard, A., & Byrne, N. (2006). Building surgical research capacity in Africa: the Ptolemy Project. PLoS Medicine, 3(7). 2006
4 Derbew, M., Ahmed, E. (2006). The Pattern of Pediatric Surgical Conditions in Tikur Anbessa Univesity Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Ethiopian Medical Journal, 44(4), 331-338. 2006
5 Dorman, K., Satterthwaite, L., Byrne, N., Derbew, M., & Dubrowski, A. (2007). The case for surgical skills centres in SubSaharan Africa: The benefits and the challenges. East and Central African Journal of Surgery,12(1),4-6. 2007
6 Tefera, E., Teka, T. & Derbew, M. (2007). Neonatal gastrointestinal surgical emergencies: a 5- year review in a teaching hospital Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Ethiopian Medical Journal, 45(3), 251-256. 2007
7 Dorman, K., Satterthwaite, L., Howard, A., Woodrow, S., Derbew, M., Reznick, R., & Dubrowski, A. (2009). Addressing the severe shortage of health care providers in Ethiopia: bench model teaching of technical skills. Medical Education, 43(7), 621-627. 2009
8 Rahman, S., Gudetta, B., Fink, J., Granath, A., Ashenafi, S., Aseffa, A., Derbew, M., Svensson, M., Andersson, J., & Brighenti, S. G. (2009). Compartmentalization of Immune Responses in Human Tuberculosis: Few CD8+ Effector T Cells but Elevated Levels of FoxP3+ Regulatory T Cells in the Granulomatous Lesions. The American Journal of Pathology, 174(6), 2211–2224 2009
9 Derbew, M., & Levitt, M.A. (2009, July). Newborn Management of Anorectal Malformations. Surgery in Africa Website. 2009
10 Philpott, J., & Derbew, M. (2010). Use of a CME workshop to introduce and promote the specialty ofFamilyMedicineinEthiopia.AfricanJournalofPrimaryHealthCare& Family Medicine, 2(1) 2010
11 Aggarwal, R., Mytton, O., Derbrew, M., Hananel, D., Heydenburg, M., Issenberg, B., MacAulay, C., Mancini, M., Morimoto, T., Soper, N., Ziv, A. & Reznick, R. (2010). Training and simulation for patient safety. Qual Saf Health Care, 19(Suppl 2), i34-43. 2010
12 Chao, T. E., Burdic, M., Ganjawalla, K., Derbew, M., Keshian, C., Meara, J., & McQueen, K. (2012).SurveyofSurgeryandAnesthesiaInfrastructureinEthiopia.WorldJournalof Surgery: OfficialJournaloftheInternationalSocietyofSurgery/SociétéInternationalede Chirurgie, 36(11), 2545-2553. 2012
13 Cadotte, D. W., Blankstein, M., Bekele, A., Dessalegn, S., Pain, C., Derbew, M., Bernstein, M., & Howard, A. (2013). Establishing a surgical partnership between Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and Toronto, Canada. Canadian Journal of Surgery, 56(3), E19–E23. 2013
14 Hailu, A., Mariam, D. H., Fekade, D., Derbew, M., & Mekasha, A. (2013). Turn-over rate of academic facultyattheCollegeofHealthSciences,AddisAbabaUniversity:a20-yearanalysis(1991 to2011). Human Resources for Health, 11(1), 1–12. 2013
15 Philpott, J., Shiferaw, S., Rouleau, K., Cole, D., Nicolle, E., Bezanson, K., Pimlott, N., Meaney, C., Nasmith, G., Abbyad, M., Derbew, M. & Mekasha, A. (2013). Family medicine needs assessment: Studying the clinical work of general practitioners in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Health Development, 27(2), 134–140. 2013
16 Derbew, M., Animut, N., Talib, Z. M., Mehtsun, S., & Hamburger, E. K. (2014). Ethiopian Medical Schools’ Rapid Scale-up to Support the Government’s Goal of Universal Coverage. Academic Medicine, 89(8), S40-S44. Prof Miliard Derbew Resume 7 2014
17 Silvestri, D. M., Blevins, M., Afzal, A. R., Andrews, B., Derbew, M., Kaur, S., Mipando, M., Mkony, C. A., Mwachaka, P. M., Ranjiti, N., & Vermund, S. (2014). Medical and nursing students’ intentions to work abroad or in rural areas: A cross-sectional survey in Asia and Africa. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 92(10), 750–759. 2014
18 Philpott, J., Cornelson, B., Derbew, M., Haq, C., Kvach, E., Mekasha, A., Rouleau, K., Tefera, G., Wondimagegn, D., Wilson, L., & Yigeremu, M. (2014). The Dawn of Family Medicine in Ethiopia. Family Medicine, 46(9), 685-690. 2014
19 Doohan, N. C., Derbew, M., & Kelly McQueen, K. A. (2014). Solutions for the global surgical crisis: The role of family medicine in surgery, obstetrics, and anesthesia. Family Medicine, 46(9), 679–684. 2014
20 Butali, A., Mossey, P., Adeyemo, W.L., Eshete, M., Gaines, L., Braimah, R., Aregbesola, B., Rigdon, J., Emeka, C., Olutayo, J., Ogunlewe, M., Ladeinde, A., Abate, F., Hailu, T., Mohammed, I., Gravenm, P., Derbew, M., Gesses, M., Adeyemo, A., & Murray, J. (2014). Rare Functional Variants in Genome-Wide Association Identified Candidate Genes for Nonsyndromic Clefts in the African Population. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. 164(10), 2567-2571. 2014
21 Butali, A., Mossey, P. A., Adeyemo, W. L., Eshete, M. A., Gaines, L. A., Even, D., Braimah, R. O., Aregbesola B.S.,Rigdon,J.V.,Emeka,C.I.,James,O.,Ogunlewe,M.O.,Ladeinde,A.L.,Abate, F., Hailu, T., Mohammed, I., Gravem, P. E., Derbew, M., Gesses, M., & Adeyemo, A. A & Murray, J.C. (2014). Novel IRF6 mutations in families with Van Der Woude syndrome and popliteal pterygium syndrome from sub-Saharan Africa. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine, 2(3),254– 260. 2014
22 Gupta, S., Groen, R. S., Kyamanywa, P., Ameh, E. A., Labib, M., Clarke, D. L., Donkor, P., Derbew, M., Sani, R., Kamara, T. B., Shrestha, S., Nwomeh, B. C., Wren, S. M., Price, R. R., & Kushner, A. L. (2015). Surgical care needs of low-resource populations: an estimate of the prevalence of surgically treatable conditions and avoidable deaths in 48 countries. The Lancet, 385(Supp 2), S1. 2015
23 Azazh, A., Teklu, S., Woldetsadi, A., Seyoum, N., Geremew, H., Busse, H., Tefera, G., Wubben, R., Rankin, P., Tupesis, J., Maskalyk, J., Landes, M., Mehari, E., & Derbew, M. (2014). Emergency medicine and its development in Ethiopia with emphasis on the role of Addis Ababa University, School of Medicine, Emergency Medicine Department. Ethiopian Medical Journal, Suppl 2, 1-12. 2014
24 Carlson, L. C., Lin, J. A., Ameh, E. A., Mulwafu, W., Donkor, P., Derbew, M., Rodas, E., Mkandawire, N. C., Dhanaraj, M., Yangni-Angate, H., Sani, R., Labib, M., Barbero, R., Clarke, D., Smith, M. D., Sherman, L., Mutyaba, F. A., Alexander, P., Hadley, L. G. P., VanRooyen, M.J. & Kushner, A. L. (2015). Moving from data collection to application: a systematic literature review of surgical capacity assessments and their applications. World Journal of Surgery, 39(4), 813–821. 2015
25 Talib, Z. M., Kiguli-Malwadde, E., Wohltjen, H., Derbew, M., Mulla, Y., Olaleye, D., & Sewankambo, N. (2015). Transforming health professions’ education through in-country collaboration: examining the consortia among African medical schools catalyzed by the Medical Education Partnership Initiative. Human Resources for Health, 13(1), 1–8. 2015
26 Gedlu, E., Tadesse, A., Cayea, D., Doherty, M., Bekele, A., Mekasha, A., Derbew, M., & Jung, J. (2015). Introduction of simulation based medical dducation at Addis Ababa University College of Health Sciences: Experience and Challenge. Ethiopian Medical Journal, Supp 2, 1-8. 2015
27 Agidew, A., Getachew, Y., Enquselassie, F., Hiruye, A., Derbew, M., Mammo, D., & Muhiye, A. (2015). Magnitude of Disability and Associated Factors among Patients in Boru Meda Hospital, South Wollo Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia. Ethiopian Medical Journal, Supp.2, 38-43. 2015
28 Gessesse, Z., Tadesse, Z., Alemayehu, M., Hiruye, H., Getachew, Y., Derbew, M., Mariam, D.H., Mammo, D., Eva, K., Yebyo, H., & Gebre Michae, H. (2015). Determinant Factors of Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (Via) Positive Lesions among HIV Positive Women in Mekelle Hospital, Northern Ethiopia: A Case Control Study. Ethiopian Medical Journal, Supp.2, 17-24. 2015
29 Beyene, A., Muhiye, A., Getachew, Y., Hiruye, A., Mariam, D.H., Derbew, M., Mammo, D., & Enquselassie, F. (2015). Assessment of Themagnitude of Teenage Pregnancy and its Associated Factors among Teenage Females Visiting Assosa General Hospital. Ethiopian Medical Journal, Supp.2, 25-37. 2015
30 Terefe, W., Getachew, Y., Hiruye, A., Derbew, M., Mariam, D.H., Mammo, D., & Muhiye, A. 8 Prof Miliard Derbew Resume (2015). Patterns of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy Associated Factors at Debre Berhan Referral Hospital, North Shoa, Amhara Region. Ethiopian Medical Journal, Supp.2, 57-65. 2015
31 Derbew, M., & Laytin, A. (2015). Testicular Torsion in Ethiopia: a Case Series and Systematic Review of the Sub-Saharan African Literature.East and Central African Journal of Surgery,20(2), 17-23. 2015
32 Derbew, M., & Ketema, E. (2015). Penile Agenesis with Crossed Fused Renal Ectopia. Ethiopian Medical Journal,53(2),105-107. 2015
33 Tadesse, A., Befekadu, M., Bezabih, A., Getachew, H., Derbew, M. (2015). Foreign Body Induced Trachea Esophageal Fistula in a Pediatrics Patient with a Miss-diagnosis: Case Report and Literature Review. Ethiopian Medical Journal, 53(4), 209-213. 2015
34 Kvach, E., Desalegn, D., Conniff, J., Tefera, G., Derbew, M., & Haq, C. (2015). Promoting Gender Equity at the College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. Ethiopian Medical Journal,Supp.2,9-16. 2015
35 Derbew, M., Animut, N., Mariam, D.H., & Mekasha, A. (2015). Medical Education Partnership (MEPI), Ethiopia: Objectives and Overview of Key Accomplishments. Ethiopian Medical Journal, Supp. 2, 4-7. 2015
36 O’Flynn, E., Andrew, J., Hutch, A., Kelly, C., Jani, P., Kakande, I., Derbew, M., Tierney, S., Mkandawire, N., & Erzingatsian, K. (2016). The Specialist Surgeon Workforce in East, Central and Southern Africa: A Situation Analysis. World Journal of Surgery, 40(11), 2620–2627. 2016
37 Derbew, M., Laytin, A. D., & Dicker, R. A. (2016). The surgical workforce shortage and successes in retaining surgical trainees in Ethiopia: a professional survey. Human Resources for Health, 14(Suppl 1): 29, 105–111. 2016
38 McQueen, K. A., Coonan, T., Derbew, M., Tangi, V., Bickler, S., Banguti, P., Gruen, R., & Watters, D. (2017). The 2015 Bangkok Global Surgery Declaration: A Call to the Global Health Community to Promote Implementation of the World Health Assembly Resolution for Surgery and Anaesthesia Care. World Journal of Surgery, 41(1), 7-9. 2017
39 MiliardDerbew. Congenital Diaphragmatic hernia outcomes in East Africa: The Ethiopian Experience. East and Central Africa Journal of Surgery, Volume 21 Number 3 , Dec 2016 2016
40 Assefa, T., Haile Mariam, D., Mekonnen, W., Derbew, M., & Enbiale, W. (2016). Physician distribution and attrition in the public health sector of Ethiopia. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 9, 285–295. 2016
41 Mengistu, B. S., Vins, H., Kelly, C. M., McGee, D. R., Spicer, J. O., Derbew, M., Bekele, A., Mariam, D. H., Del Rio, C., Blumberg, H. M., & Comeau, D. L. (2017). Student and faculty perceptions on the rapid scale-up of medical students in Ethiopia. BMC Medical Education, 17(1). 2017
42 Amare, B. L., Lutale, J., Derbew, M., Mathai, D., & Langeland, N. (2017). The Impact of a Model Partnership in a Medical Postgraduate Program in North-South and South-South Collaboration on Trainee Retention, Program Sustainability and Regional Collaboration. International Education Studies, 10(3), 89–98. 2017
43 Knowlton, L. M., Banguti, P., Chackungal, S., Chanthasiri, T., Chao, T. E., Dahn, B., Derbew, M., Dhar, D., Esquivel, M. M., Evans, F., Hendel, S., LeBrun, D. G., Notrica, M., Saavedra-Pozo, I., Shockley, R., Uribe-Leitz, T., Vannavong, B., McQueen, K. A., Spain, D. A., & Weiser, T. G. (2017). A geospatial evaluation of timely access to surgical care in seven countries. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 95(6), 437–444. 2017
44 Silvestri, D. M., Blevins, M., Wallston, K. A., Afzal, A. R., Alam, N., Andrews, B., Derbew, M., Kaur, S., Mipando, M., Mkony, C. A., Mwachaka, P. M., Ranjit, N., & Vermund, S. H. (2017). Nonacademic Attributes Predict Medical and Nursing Student Intentions to Emigrate or to Work Rurally: An Eight-Country Survey in Asia and Africa. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 96(6), 1512–1520. 2017
45 Gama, M., Tadesse, A., Dejene, B., Getachew, H., Nigussie, T., & Derbew, M. (2017). Management of undescended testes: a retrospective study from a tertiary hospital in Ethiopia. East and Central African Journal of Surgery, 22(1), 72-79. 2015
46 Assefa, T., Mariam, D. H., Mekonnen, W., & Derbew, M. (2017). Survival analysis to measure turnover of the medical education workforce in Ethiopia. Human Resources for Health, 15(23), 1–11. 47. 2017
47 Assefa, T., Mariam, D.H., Mekonnen, W., & Derbew, M. (2017). Medical students’ career choices, preference for placement, and attitudes towards the role of medical instruction in Ethiopia. BMC Medical Education, 17(1). 2017
48 Omaswa, F., Kiguli-Malwadde, E., Donkor, P., Hakim, J., Derbew, M., Baird, S., Frehywot, S., Gachuno, O. W., Kamiza, S., Kibwage, I. O., Mteta, K. A., Mulla, Y., Mullan, F., Nachega, J. B., Nkomazana, O., Noormohamed, E., Ojoome, V., Olalaye, D., Pillay, S., Sewankambo, N.K., & de Villiers, M. (2017). Medical Education Partnership Initiative gives birth to AFREhealth. The Lancet. Global Health, 5(10), e965–e966. 2017
49 Assefa, T., Mariam, D.H., Mekonnen, W., & Derbew, M. (2017). Health system’s response for physician workforce shortages and the upcoming crisis in Ethiopia: a grounded theory research. Human Resources for Health, 15(1). 2017
50 Haider, A., Scott, J. W., Gause, C. D., Mehes, M., Hsiung, G., Prelvukaj, A., Yanocha, D., Baumann, L. M., Ahmed, F., Ahmed, N., Anderson, S., Angate, H., Arfaa, L., Asbun, H., Ashengo, T., Asuman, K., Ayala, R., Bickler, S., Billingsley, S., … Derbew, M., … Abdullah, F. (2017). Development of a Unifying Target and Consensus Indicators for Global Surgical Systems Strengthening: Proposed by the Global Alliance for Surgery, Obstetric, Trauma, and Anaesthesia Care (The G4 Alliance). World Journal of Surgery, 41(10), 2426-2434. 2017
51 Karim, S. S. A., Karim, Q. A., Abimiku, A., Bekker, L.-G, Bukusi, E. A, Deschamps, M. M. H., Derbew, M., Garcia, P. J., Gray, G., Kamya, M. R., Swaminathan, S., & Wu, Z.. (2017). Closing the NIH Fogarty Center threatens US and global health. The Lancet, 390(10093), 451. 2017
52 Kelly, C. M., Starr, N., Raykar, N. P., Yorlets, R. R., Liu, C., & Derbew, M. (2018). Provision of surgical care in Ethiopia: Challenges and solutions. Global Public Health, 13(11), 1691–1701. 2018
53 Dejene, B., Negash, S. A., Mammo, T. N., Tadesse, A., Getachew, H., & Derbew, M. (2018). Heteropagus (parasitic) twins: A series of five cases. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports,37, 44–49. 2018
54 Negussie, T., Negash, S., & Derbew, M. (2018). Surgical management of urinary tract stones in children: Experience from Tikur Anbessa Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Ethiopian Medical Journal, 56(3), 227-231. 2018
55 Mammo, T. N., Negash, S. A., Negussie, T., Getachew, H., Dejene, B., Tadesse, A., & Derbew,M. (2018). Hypospadias Repair in Ethiopia: A Five Year Review. Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences, 28(6), 735–740. 2018
56 Derbew, M. (2019). Pediatric surgery in Eastern Africa: The unmet need. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 54(1), 21–26. 2019
57 McQueen, K., Oodit, R., Derbew, M., Banguti, P., & Ljungqvist, O. (2018). Enhanced Recovery After Surgery for Low- and Middle-Income Countries. World Journal of Surgery, 42(4), 950–952. 2018
58 Tadesse, A., Gossaye, A., & Derbew, M. (2019). Pediatrics surgical admission and procedures: A five year experience at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital in Addis Ababa. Ethiopian Medical Journal, 57(2), 235-240. 2019
59 Kelly, C. M., Mengistu, B. S., Vins, H., Spicer, J. O., Wilson, D. R., Derbew, M., Bekele, A., Mariam, D. H., del Rio, C., Kempker, R. R., Comeau, D. L., & Blumberg, H. M. (2019). The rapid scale up of medical education in Ethiopia: Medical student experiences and the role of e-learning at Addis Ababa University. PLoS ONE, 14. 2019
60 Ademuyiwa, A. O., Bekele, A., Berhea, A. B., Borgstein, E., Capo-Chichi, N., Derbew, M., Evans, F. M., Feyssa, M. D., Galukande, M., Gawande, A. A., Gueye, S. M., Harrison, E., Jani, P., Kaseje, N., Litswa, L., Mammo, T. N., Mellin-Olsen, J., Muguti, G., Nabukenya, M. T., … Wren, S. M. (2020). COVID-19 Preparedness Within the Surgical, Obstetric, and Anesthetic Ecosystem in Sub- Saharan Africa. Annals of Surgery, 272(1), E9–E13. 2020
61 Eshete, M., Hailu, A., Demissie, Y, Derbew, M., Abate, F., Hailu, T., Deressa, W., Butali, A., Bush, 10 Prof Miliard Derbew Resume T., Degu, S., Gravem, P. E., & Mossey, P. (2020). The Role of Environmental Factors in the Etiology of Nonsyndromic Orofacial Clefts. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, 31(1), 113–116. 2020
62 Commander, S. J., Ellis, D., Williamson, H., Grabski, D., Sallah, A. Y., Derbew, M., & Fitzgerald, T. N. (2020). Predictors of Burnout and Depression in Surgeons Practicing in East, Central, and Southern Africa. The Journal of Surgical Research, 255,536–548. 2020
63 Getachew, H., & Derbew, M. (2020). Factors associated with congenital anomalies among young infants at Tikur Anbessa Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Ethiopian Medical Journal,58(Supp2), 89-95. 2020
64 Mooney, C., Tierney, S., O’Flynn, E., Derbew, M., & Borgstein, E. (2021). Analysing the Operative Experience of Paediatric Surgical Trainees in Sub-Saharan Africa Using a Web-Based Logbook. World Journal of Surgery: Official Journal of the International Society of Surgery/Société Internationale de Chirurgie, 1. 2021
65 Temesgen, F., Gosaye, A., Starr, N., Kiflu, W., Getachew, H., Dejene, B., Tadesse, A., Derbew, M., & Negussie, T. (2021). Early Outcome of Laparotomy Wounds in Pediatric Patients in TASH, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A Six-Months Prospective Study. Ethiopian Journal of HealthSciences,31(1),111- 118. 2021
66 Panda, M., Etheridge, J., Singh, T., …Derbew, M., et al. (2021). The WHO Surgical Safety Checklist and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Recommendations for Content and Implementation Adaptions. World Journal of Surgery. 45, 5, Pp. 1293-1296. 2021
67 Davies, J., Gelb, A., Gore-Booth, J., Mellin-Olsen, J., Martin, J., Åkerman, C., Ameh, E., Biccard, B., Braut, G., Chu, K., Derbew, M., Ersdal, H., Guzman, J., Hagander, L., Haylock-Loor, C., Holmer, H., Johnson, W., Juran, S., Kassebaum, N., & Weiser, T. (2021). Global surgery, obstetric, and anaesthesia indicator definitions and reporting: An Utstein consensus report. PLOS Medicine, 18, e1003749. 2021
68 Kushner, A., Hughes, M., Barekzai, A., Agastra, E., Buonomo, L., Hernandez, S., Fraga, G., Sanou, S., Dominguez, L., Brender, E., Brown, J., Basimuoneye, J., Ghazaly, M., Gelaye, D., Derbew, M., Baro, M., Médéus, J., Ramdhani, A., Avval, N., & Stewart, B. (2021). Is Damage Control Surgery Done in Low- and Middle-Income Countries? A Brief Prevalence Survey. 10.13140/RG.2.2.11314.53440. 2021
69 Wright, N., Romeo, H., Seraphin, G., Zoumenou, E., Wandaogo, A., Bernadette, B., Toussaint, T., Yvette, K., Emile, B., Bankole, R., Moulot, M., Kouame, A., Ehua, M., Rose, N., Malemo, L., Bake, J., Bake, E., Derbew, M., & Asfaw, M. (2021). Paediatric surgical outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa: a multicentre, international, prospective cohort study. BMJ (online), 4406. 10.1136/bmjgh-2020- 004406. 2021
70 Annals of Surgery 272(1):p e9-e13, July 2020. | DOI: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000003964 Negash, S., Workiye, T., Kiflu, W. & Derbew, M. (2021). Pediatric Surgical Volume at the TASH: Experience after the Expansion of Pediatric Surgery Program. Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences, 31(6),1193-1198. 2021
71 Modlin, C., Vilorio, A., Stoff, B., Comeau, D., Gebremariam, T., Derbew, M., Blumberg, H., Del Rio, C. & Kempker, R. (2021). American Medical Trainee Perspectives on Ethical Conflicts during a Short-Term Global Health Rotation in Ethiopia: A Qualitative Analysis of 30 Cases. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 10.4269/ajtmh.21-0179. 2021
72 Starr, N., Nofal, M., Gebeyehu, N., Forrester, J., Derbew, M., Weiser, T., & Mammo, T. (2021). Sustainability of a Surgical Quality Improvement Program at Hospitals in Ethiopia. JAMA surgery. 157. 10.1001/jamasurg.2021.5569. 2021
73 Negash, S., Anberber, E., Ayele, B., Ashebir, Z., Abate, A., Bitew, S., Derbew, M., Weiser, T., Starr, N., & Mammo, T. (2022). Operating room efficiency in a low resource setting: a pilot study from a large tertiary referral center in Ethiopia. Patient Safety in Surgery. 16. 2022
74 Taggable, Kiflu W, Temesgen F, Getachew H, Nigussie T, Dejenie B, Tadesse A, Derbew M Prof Miliard Derbew Resume Ademuyiwa, Adesoji O. MBBS; Bekele, Abebe MD; Berhea, Ataklitie Baraki MD; Borgstein, Eric MD; Capo-Chichi, Nina MBBS; Derbew, Miliard MD; Evans, Faye M. MD; Feyssa, ET AL COVID-19 Preparedness Within the Surgical, Obstetric, and Anesthetic Ecosystem in Sub-Saharan Africa 2022

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